"Stay hungry, Stay Foolish"

My Name is Lisa Patel


Welcome to my corner on the internet.
Nice to e-meet you!

Hi, I’m Lisa. Currently working in the gaming world at a start-up called Blitz. I help around different teams in making impactful data driven decisions. My passion revolves around three core tenets strategy, analytics, and innovation. I am an avid learner who enjoys exciting challenges. I presume is to accept what life throws at me and mould it in the best possible way, while enjoying small wins on the way.

Currently I'm working as an Analytics Intern at Okta Inc. in San Fransisco, California.

You can also catch me binge-watching on Netflix, daydreaming, baking, trying out new recipes or blogging about my travels and experiences. You can find my blog here.
Besides this, I am also interested in smart mobility, and sustainability!

A peek into my life right now—

Life goal: Enjoy all of nature's beautiful experiences
Learning: Yoga
Reading: Atomic Habits by James Clear
Listening to: Below the Line BY James Beshera, RadioLab
Watching: Marvel movies
Celebrating: My Graduation & all the little joys in Life!

Thanks for stopping by!

Data Analyst
• Currently working on user engagement & product analytics in the gaming world

San Fransisco, California
Oct 2021 – Present

Okta, Inc.
Process Support & Analytics Intern
• Generating reports/dashboards on user search behaviors, product engagement insights to identify content gaps using Coveo Machine Learning, Google Analytics, Salesforce and providing recommendations to product strategy based on research for new content development
• Supporting launch of new product features and product testing by providing real-time analytics on user interactions
• Implementing pipelines for data cleaning using Python, SQL
• Assisting in building a Knowledge taxonomy and creating data workflows for optimizing content lifecycle to improve customer experience

San Fransisco, California
March 2021 – Oct 2021

Gilead Sciences, Inc.
Data Science Intern
• Provided business insights to the Sales team on investing in the promotion of the product by analyzing potential market-size of the product
• Analyzed over 2 million patient health claims by designing interactive statistical visualization in Tableau; developed ETL workflows using Data Factory in Ms Azure, wrote SQL queries for data extraction and performed data processing pipelines using Python(Numpy, Pandas)
• Built semi-supervised ML model with 78% accuracy to identify and predict target patients likely to switch on the new drug

Foster City, California
April 2020 – December 2020

BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Data Science & Analytics Intern
• Collaborated with cross-functional teams to advise on strategic decisions on key business metrics like Promotion, Workforce Diversity, Employee Engagement, Office Capacity Planning by creating dashboards and automating manual tasks which saved 10% employee resources
• Independently designed KPIs for 3000+ FTEs in Python, PowerBI to analyze the gender, ethnicity pay gap increasing dashboard use by 15%
• Owned cleaning and processing of data with SQL, Excel, and Python (Pandas, NumPy) from multiple data sources to a data warehouse & Conceptualized, implemented PowerBI Dashboards for the leadership team

San Rafael, California
June 2020 - September 2020

Pure N Cure
Business Intelligence Intern
• Developed and managed web & email content for the public website which led to a 10% increase in ongoing campaigns
• Analyzed and tracked web analytics to recommend proactive adjustments in GTM strategies
• Defined and followed key performance indicators of the website for operational improvement

Ahmedabad, India
Dec 2017 - Jan 2018


Santa Clara University, Leavey School of Business
Master of Science in Information Systems

Coursework: Data Science with Python, Machine Learning, NLP, Database Management, Cloud Computing, Info. Systems Analysis & Design, Object Oriented Analysis -Java, Database Analysis & Modeling, Data Warehousing, Digital Strategies & Policies, Software Project Management, Women in Leadership

Activities : Grace Hopper Celebration, Rewriting the Code, Women In Product, Product Buds

Santa Clara, CA
June 2021

Gujarat Technological University
Bachelor of Engineering in Information and Communication Technology

Coursework: Software Engineering, Adv. Computer Networks, Data Structures, Operating Systems

Activities : Lumina, LJ Prayas, LJ Tech fest

Ahmedabad, India
May 2019

Product School
Product Analytics

Coursework: Web Analytics, Intro to SQL, Advance SQL, Data Visualization, Understanding Data & Statistics, Intro to Machine Learning,
Data Visualization & Big Data, Capstone

Skills & Interests

Programming Languages: Python (scikit-learn, pandas, numpy, matplotlib, plotly, keras, tensorflow), SQL, Java
Databases Technologies: SQL Server, MySQL, NoSQL, PySpark
Data Integration and Analysis Tools: Google Analytics, Microsoft Excel, SAS, Salesforce
Data Visualization & Reporting Tools: Tableau, Power BI, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotly
Frameworks & Tool: Git, JIRA, Confluence, AWS Sagemaker, GCP BigQuery, Microsoft Azure, Docker, Ms SSMS, Hadoop MapReduce, Apache Spark, Databricks, Jupyter Notebook, VMware Fusion, Coveo Machine Learning, Ms Workplace Analytics

Volunteer Experience

The Green Batti Project
The Green Batti Project is a one-on-one mentoring program that pairs educated professionals (between the ages of 25 and 40) with youth from under-resourced communities.
• Created a marketing campaign to increase the recruitment of mentors and associations of members for the project
• Mentored underprivileged children on academic and financial planning

Gujarat, India
June 2016 - July 2016

Extra Curricular

Data Science Projects

E-Commerce Customer Segmentation & Behavior Analysis
• Predicted product recommendations depending on past 259k customer transactions; used K-means Clustering to aggregate frequently bought items together, which lead to strategy for promoting market basket sales improving revenue on retail
• Performed RFM Analysis, to segment customers based on value from past transaction and Trend analysis to find purchase patterns over time

ARTICULATE : Article Summarizer
• Web-Scraped data using Selenium to fetch articles from NY Times, summarized article lengths using techniques like TextRank, Similarity matrix
• Classified the comments on articles to positive/negative and truthful/deceptive using Sentimental analysis and Text analysis
• Predicted NYT’s best pick comment using Logistic regression with 72% ROC; built an automatic comment generator using Tensorflow and LSTM

HR Employee Management
• Applied HR Analytics using ML on IBM’s dataset, created a strategic plan for employee churn model & retention rate
• Reduced attrition rate by determining KPI’s & flagging employees at risk; Logistic regression, SVM with 82% accuracy

Check-out my work here!

Moderation System for Hate Speech Detection
• Designed an interface that identifies abusive content which alerts users, provides a timer to rethink before publishing hate content using BERT
• Performed data cleaning using Lemmatization, Stemming and did feature extraction with techniques like TF-IDF vectors, Lime Text Explainer
• Used oversampling- SMOTE and RandomOversampling on the imbalance data to achieve the accuracy of 95%

LinkedIn Messages & Connection Analysis
• Performed analysis on my current LinkedIn Messages and connections for detecting language & to determine the tone of msgs I've been getting.

A/B test on Mobile Game Players
• Conducted A/B test on a mobile game data with ~90k players to determine the intensity of obstacles in game level to increase player retention
• Implemented the hypothesis testing using statistical techniques like Chi-Square test, degree of freedom, p-value

Data Visualization Projects

You can find all the vizzes in my Tableau Gallery.

Global Temperature: Anomalies leading to global warming
The Charts here show trends in Temperature changes in the Global, Northern & Southern Hemisphere, data from 1940-2020. Data Courtesy: NASA
IMPACT: Encouraging Individuals for fights against Climate Change


San-Francisco's Airbnb Listings Analysis
This dataset contains 8,111 listings in San Francisco of 4,303 hosts from 2009-2019. The dashboard allows you to, Filter accommodations based on location, room type, price & policies; performs analysis like finding the most expensive neighborhoods in San Francisco. Data Courtesy: Inside Airbnb


HIV-AIDS & Gender Inequality among Adolescents
The ultimate goal of Visual is to create a space where data advocacy and insights meet impact. This work seeks to ignite a data advocacy effort with the power to not only raise awareness of extreme gender inequality but also catalyze global action to end it. Data Courtesy: UNICEF
IMPACT: Awareness about how Gender Equality plays a role in HIV-AIDS amongst Adolescents

Coal Mines in India
Coal use needs to rapidly decline in the global energy mix in the next few decades in order to meet the Paris climate goals of keeping global warming well below 2-degrees Celsius. In emerging economies such as India (the second-largest producer and consumer of coal), this would entail reducing long-term coal dependency. This analysis shows depth about how coal mining is done in India. Data Courtesy: Harvard Dataverse
IMPACT : Climate Change, Just Transitions, Coal Mining

Case Studies

Virtualization adoption in Retail Sector | Digital Strategy Consulting

Scenario: The CIO of Abacus(hypothetical online retail store) has decided that the company will adopt common virtualization across all of its data centers. The CIO’s main objectives for virtualizing are:
• To reduce overall capital equipment and operating expenses
• To improve IT responsiveness to its internal customers

Product Studied: VMware vSphere & Microsoft Hyper-v

Steps done to accomplish the Objective:
• Identified challenges faced in the current state of IT Infrastructure for a hypothetical retail company called Abacus Inc.
• Evaluated Microsoft & VMware cloud services based on their ecosystem, feature comparison, cost structure, ROI, TCO, and risk factors
• Delivered virtualization implementation strategy, business benefits, and future state of the company

Ebay's Digital Strategy & Transformation: HelpBot | Digital Strategy Consulting

Analyzed the current user experience of eBay for understanding user pain-points. Did User Survey's, Affinity Mapping to come up with MVP features that would keep eBay updated in-terms of the offer's in comparison to e-commerce's like Amazon

• Formulated digital capabilities leveraging AI and Automation that helped drive the strategy and deliver value (Improved CX, Efficiency, Retention, and Loyalty, etc.)
• Performed capability assessment of current State (AI & automation capabilities), GAP Analysis, SWOT Analysis
• Designed Future State Design – customer journey maps, process map, digital systems/architecture, roadmap
• Laid out risks involved in undertaking this initiative and recommended mitigation of these risk

Business Goals:
• Ease in Customer Service
• Customer Retention

BioTech Companies Comparison | Finance Analysis
BioGen Vs Bristol Myers Squibb
Conducted a comparative study by performing quantitative and qualitative analysis of both the companies. Here, the two compaines are choosen from the Pharmaceutical market segment. This analysis was conducted on the following elements:

• Key competitors & key drivers/challenges
• Most recent Earnings call, lastest SEC filing & executive compensation structure
• Horizontal & Vertical Analysis
• Key rations that are formative for each company
Based on the analysis, each company was valued for investors. Used data visualization tools for in-depth analysis.
Hassle-Free Travel Planner | New Product Development
• Creating scheduler syncing calendars for group travels, providing plan recommendations upon the user selections
• Conducting user interviews, journey mapping & affinity mapping; deducing problems from user pain points

I enjoy meeting new people and collaborating or even just talking over some good coffee, so please feel free to reach out!